Have a clear direction in life

It is more important to know where you are going than to get there quickly. Do not mistake activity for achievement
— Isocrates

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I was often criticized for not having a full schedule, for not suffering from FOMO, for taking time to stop and contemplate... It's inevitable for any introvert in a world that doesn't want to stop. But I soon learned that, at least for me, it is essential to stop before taking action. This stop is not inaction, on the contrary, it is the moment in which I determine whether I am acting in accordance with my values or just reacting to the stimulus of the moment.

This quote from Isocrates, a Greek rhetorician and philosopher (436–338 BCE), reinforces to me the importance of having a clear and meaningful direction in life, rather than simply rushing towards a goal without purpose.

I suggest we see in this article:

The problems that can arise when we confuse activity with achievement

I recommend that you stop and consider these 3 points

I offer you practical tips to put this concept into practice

Summary of the benefits of following Isocrates’ advice

Problems when we mistake activity for achievement

I'll give you some reasons to take some time to reflect on the quality, meaning and objectives of your actions:

  • If you don't know where you're going, it's very easy to lose focus and get lost along the way. You can put too much effort into something that doesn't actually help you achieve your goal.

  • When you focus on achieving goals quickly, you're likely to take shortcuts, rush through things, or take unnecessary risks. This, in the long term, can lead to mistakes and setbacks.

  • It's important to set aside time to enjoy the journey and learn along the way. In a hurry, you miss important experiences and opportunities.

  • Activity is not the same as achievement. Just because you're busy doesn't mean you're making progress toward your goal. It's important to be intentional about your activity and ensure it is aligned with both your goals and your values.

I suggest you stop and consider these 3 points:

  • Knowing your destiny: How can it help you to have a clear understanding of your goals or ultimate destination in life? Do you engage in aimless activities? How much satisfaction do you find in activities whose results you will only see in the long term?

  • Prioritise purpose over speed: Speed and efficiency in achieving goals may be important, but do you know clearly why you pursue those goals? Can you tell me why in one sentence?

  • Activity vs Fulfillment: Can you distinguish between mere activity and genuine achievement? How would you classify your level of occupation, productivity and personal fulfillment? Are your actions aligned with your values?

Avoid the mistake of confusing activity with achievement

To know where you're going and avoid the mistake of confusing activity with achievement, here are some tips that I think may be useful to you:

  • Take some time to reflect on your values and goals. What is important to you? What do you want to accomplish in life? What meaning does the word success have for you today?

  • Set clear and specific goals. Clearly define your goals and objectives. What do you want to accomplish in the short, medium and long term?

  • Break those goals down into smaller, more reasonable steps. This will make them seem less daunting and more achievable, and it will help you stay on track.

  • Once you have a good understanding of your values and goals, start developing a plan to achieve them. What steps do you need to complete? What are the resources you need?

  • If you don't have all the necessary resources at this point, there is no reason to abandon your plan. Adjust it and first try to develop or bring those resources together.

  • Don't let the previous step help you procrastinate! You are taking a step back so you can move several steps forward.

  • Don't be afraid to ask for help. There are people who have achieved what you want, who know the “stumbling blocks”, and can help you on your journey.

  • Prioritize your tasks. Focus on the activities that are most important or efficient in achieving your goals.

  • Be patient and persistent. Don't be discouraged if you don't achieve your goals as quickly as you'd like. Keep moving forward and progressing. 1% better every day seems little but over time you see that you have exponential growth.

  • Review your plan regularly and make adjustments as necessary. Situations and stages of our life change, so it is important to be flexible and adaptable.

  • Check regularly whether your actions are aligned with your values. If you can feel genuine satisfaction from a job well done, even if you haven't achieved something big or flashy, you're on the right track.

  • Measure your progress and celebrate it. This helps you to stay motivated and on track.

  • And when you reach your destination, don't linger too long there. Your values serve as your compass, they give you direction. If you enjoyed the journey you took, you can always continue to improve

Benefits of knowing my goals and values clearly

  • There are several benefits to clearly knowing where you want to go in life and whether your goal is aligned with your values:

  • It helps you stay focused and motivated.

  • You make informed decisions about how to allocate your time and resources.

  • You identify and overcome obstacles more efficiently.

  • You significantly increase the likelihood of achieving your goals.

  • You avoid the feeling of frustration when there are setbacks or for some greater reason you have to change your life goals.

Flexibility and adaptation are essential to avoid frustration. Throughout my life I have had to change objectives and goals several times, but looking at my journey I can see that I have never deviated from my core values. This gives us peace, even in turbulent times. Align your actions, whether big or small, with your values.

And be patient and persistent, small daily improvements lead to exponential growth.

Remember that it is better to take your time and get to the right place than to rush to the wrong place.

Not all activity is productive. If you know how to manage your time well, it's okay to take your time. There's no need to rush. It's better to take your time and do things well than to be impatient and make mistakes.

Be gentle with yourself,

see you soon


Suggested reading:


To find answers: ask the right questions to the right domain