Search for the path that leads to yourself.

Nowadays it is popular to talk about self-realization and human potential, but these terms are meaningless… unless you ask yourself: Potential for what?


Thanks for visiting this site.

Perhaps you feel that something in you is not as it could be. It can be obvious or just a vague feeling that your emotions or behaviors don't serve you the way they should.

I'm Ana, and here I intend to provide, in a didactic and practical way, several helpful theories and techniques to improve our relationship with ourselves, reach our best possibilities, and live a meaningful life.

Each of us is unique, with unique characteristics and needs. There is no single formula or recipe that I can present to you. Instead, I offer you the support of someone who has dedicated a lifetime to pursuing this path.

The goal is ambitious and seeks a transdisciplinary approach.

I invite you to participate in this journey.


In a transdisciplinary approach, it´s intended to give unity to the integration of several disciplines. From biology to psychology and philosophy, several authors contribute to interconnecting different dimensions of what it means to be Human.

Here you can find the authors and works I recommend.

If you prefer a summary, in addition to the articles and videos, I provide you with easy-to-follow documents on various topics.

For a deeper understanding of some concepts or topics, you may prefer the online course format.


I offer you a set of articles accompanied by audiovisuals in which I summarize concepts from several authors.

The knowledge I share can help you to shed light on some topics about how the mind works, its connection to the body, and how it is shaped by the relationships we form.

But knowledge by itself is sterile. How you use it enters the field of Wisdom.


Whether you want help jumping out of the current situation and succeeding tomorrow or overcoming emotional challenges rooted in the past, I'm here to help.

We can work together in a coaching or therapeutic process.

You can find out more here.

About me

My background is in Biology, specializing in environmental quality and organic farming.

I have always been interested in understanding the human mind from an ecological perspective, which is why I ventured down the path of psychotherapy.

I'm a Body Therapist with a specialization course in Theories and Techniques of Body Psychotherapy. I also graduated in Logotherapy and Meaning of Life, Emotional Intelligence, Coaching and Communication.

As knowledge alone is worth little, I also go through the therapeutic process: with more than 400 hours of Analytical and Psycho-bodily Psychotherapy, as well as about 150 hours of supervision, with theoretical and practical analysis of clinical cases.

If you want more information, contact me using the form below.

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